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Hours of Operation


Monday 9:00am - 6:00pm

Tuesday -Thursday
8:00am - 5:00pm

Friday 8:00am - 12:00pm

Summer Hours

Specials hours

Monday 9:00am - 5:00pm

Tuesday -Thursday
8:00am - 5:00pm

Friday,Saturday,Sunday Closed

Phone: 989-773-3560

900 E Bellows St, Mt Pleasant, MI 48858


What Does Your Smile Say About You?

beautiful woman in blue cloth show white toothy smileA smile is the first impression you provide others when you meet them for the very first time. It can be a symbol of health, beauty, and success. If your smile has imperfections, such as broken or missing teeth, it can impact the way others see you in a social setting. To improve your smile’s appearance, function, and health, you may want to work with a dentist in the Mount Pleasant, MI area who can help you with your needs using general, cosmetic, and restorative dentistry.

What does your smile say about you?

A smile with imperfections may make you appear as though your appearance to others does not matter. It may cost you a new job or a relationship if the teeth are damaged or missing. With the help of a restorative dentist such as Dr. Kenneth Egger of Mount Pleasant, MI, you can restore the smile–and your confidence–in as little as one appointment.

What treatments are used to improve the smile?

Both cosmetic and restorative dentistry often come into play when developing a smile makeover for an individual who visits the office of Dr. Kenneth Egger. Some of the more popular treatments that may be recommended to you to fix specific areas of the smile include:

  • Tooth-colored fillings for areas of decay
  • Dental crowns to cover broken or imperfect teeth
  • Dental bridges to replace one or more teeth in a row
  • Dental implants to replace teeth in a permanent, long-lasting method
  • Root canal treatment for teeth that have severe damage or advanced infections
  • Periodontal treatments for the early to late stages of periodontitis
  • Composite resin bonding to disguise gaps and chips
  • Porcelain veneers to cover imperfections near the front of the smile

Do not miss out on this opportunity to enhance your smile with advanced dentistry techniques!

If you reside in or around the area of Mount Pleasant, MI, and want to educate yourself further on the advantages of a smile makeover, call the office of Dr. Kenneth Egger at 989-773-3560 to request a consultation visit and initial evaluation. He can examine your smile and talk to you about the ways in which you can enhance your appearance with cosmetic and restorative dental solutions.