Sealing Out the Decay
Sealing Out the Decay

After dealing with -30 temperatures, ice dams, and another long Michigan winter, many of us think about sealants, as in how to keep our darn roof from leaking during the cold months.
Dr. Egger thinks of different sealants. Dental sealants. And if you have kids, so should you.
What are dental sealants?
Dental sealants are liquid plastic that is used to fill in the deep pits and fissures in the molars and premolars. By filling these creases, it helps prevent decay from getting down in there and setting up shop.
Why does my kid need sealants?
The chewing surfaces of the molars and premolars have grooves, also known as fissures, which make them susceptible to decay setting in. Some people have deeper fissures than others. They can be very deep and difficult to clean. Some can be very narrow, as well, so that anything more than a single bristle can’t get in there. But bacteria can. As plaque builds in these crevices the bacteria digest food particles and create acid. This acid attacks the tooth enamel and creates a cavity.
Where are sealants placed?
Dr. Egger places sealants on the chewing surfaces of the molars and premolars. He fills in the fissures and this precludes bacteria from getting down in there. You may think that placing plastic on your molars would affect your bite, but he only places it down into the fissures. This doesn’t affect the patient’s bite in any way.
How are sealants placed?
We first clean the teeth thoroughly. Next Dr. Egger washes the individual teeth to receive the sealant, and he dries the teeth with air. Next he places an acidic solution on the fissured area of the tooth’s chewing surface for a number of seconds and then rinses this off. This solution slightly roughs the enamel of the area, which helps the sealant adhere to the enamel. The tooth is dried again, and then Dr. Egger places the liquid sealant down into the fissure, removing any that is above the fissure. To harden the liquid plastic a special light is directed down onto the sealant and it instantly cures and hardens. There isn’t any waiting time or anything — the tooth can chew normally immediately. But now it is protected.
Sealants should be placed as soon as the permanent molars and premolars erupt from the gums. This usually progresses up until about age 13.
Is it time for your next exam and professional cleaning with Dr. Egger and our team? Call us at (989) 773-3560 to make your appointment.