Oral Hygiene for Your Kids
Oral Hygiene for Your Kids
Young children pattern their behavior after everything you as parents do. This applies to oral hygiene, as well. No matter how young your kids are, it’s never too early to get them thinking about properly taking care of their teeth. Starting early is key to forming strong habits that can greatly improve and maintain their oral health for the rest of their lives.
It is important for your child to have a reliable, experienced dentist like Dr. Egger who can meet his or her individual needs. During your child’s regular visits to our office, we’ll provide instruction and feedback on how your child should take care of his or her teeth. But you start the process at home.
When to start
When teaching good dental habits, it is always better to start early, even as early as your child’s first birthday. Early prevention can save you and your child the cost and hassle of dealing with dental conditions later on.
Integrating good dental habits
Brushing seems so simple for adults, but it could be difficult for your little one. You may brush your child’s gums, even when he or she doesn’t have teeth yet. Use a baby toothbrush or a soft washcloth to gently clean their mouth.
When your child’s teeth erupt, it is important to brush them twice a day using an infant toothbrush and a toothpaste with fluoride. When teeth have touched each other, your can show your child the basics of flossing. You can ask Dr. Egger for further guidelines to effectively teach your child the right way.
Bad dental habits can lead to a lifetime of poor oral hygiene. Get them started the right way as early as you can. And let us help you with the process. Call us at 989-773-3560 to make your appointments or if you have any questions.