Do You Have Gingivitis?
Do You Have Gingivitis?
Gingivitis is one of the most familiar words in all of dentistry, probably due to the size of the Listerine ad budget year in and year out. Problem is, most people have no idea what it actually is.
Here is the Cliff Notes, version. Gingivitis is inflammation of the gums, usually involving bacteria that are working their way below the gumline.
So, how do you know if you have gingivitis? Here are the signs to watch for.
Changes in color
Your gums should be a rich pink color all over. Bright red patches, shiny areas along the gum line. Those are no bueno because they indicate tartar buildup underneath the gums.
Changes in feel
Healthy gums are moist to the touch and are slightly bumpy. Healthy gum edges taper down and lie flat against the teeth, forming a seal to keep out bacteria and food particles. In contrast, inflamed gums are puffy and may lift away from the tooth surface. They may feel smooth, dry, and soft.
Changes in shape
Your gums should be scalloped on each tooth along that edge that lies flat against the tooth. They should cover the same amount of root on each tooth and should be symmetrical from side to side. Advanced gingivitis causes your gums to recede and pull away from the teeth. This makes the teeth look longer.
Changes in odor
Bad breath, Listerine’s claim to fame as an eradicator of said, is a common symptom of gingivitis. This comes from the bacteria-laden plaque that is left in your mouth by poor home hygiene. This bad breath is a sign that bacteria are having a party in your mouth, and gingivitis is invited.
Changes in spit
Bleeding gums are not normal. Sure, sometimes when you floss there may be a little blood, but that shouldn’t be a regular occurrence. Bleeding gums are inflamed gums and inflamed gums have gingivitis.
If you have any of these signs of gingivitis, it’s time to see Dr. Egger before the issues become worse, and possibly, permanent. Call us to set up an appointment, 989-773-3560.