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Hours of Operation


Monday 9:00am - 6:00pm

Tuesday -Thursday
8:00am - 5:00pm

Friday 8:00am - 12:00pm

Summer Hours

Specials hours

Monday 9:00am - 5:00pm

Tuesday -Thursday
8:00am - 5:00pm

Friday,Saturday,Sunday Closed

Phone: 989-773-3560

900 E Bellows St, Mt Pleasant, MI 48858



Why Professional Cleanings Matter

Posted in General Dentistry, Oral Health | February 14, 2020

Dental ServicesMany people give themselves more credit than is due for their home dental hygiene. They think that just because they brush for two minutes twice daily and floss once, they don’t need to come see Dr. Egger and his team for their twice-yearly professional cleanings. After all, what can a professional do that you’re not already doing at home? Truth is, lots.

Beyond the removal of plaque and tartar (which you cannot remove at home once it has developed on your teeth), there are more serious reasons to see us twice yearly.

  1. Head off gum disease early.

When plaque starts to accumulate in certain corners of your mouth, the gums surrounding your teeth can become inflamed and this can eventually lead to gum disease. If left untreated, this disease can cause tooth and bone loss. During your routine exams and cleanings, we check for the early signs of gum disease because catching and addressing it early is the key.

  1. Oral cancer can be right under your nose, literally.

Like gum disease, part of our regular exam protocol is looking for the early signs of oral cancer. You know when we pull your tongue and check your glands and other tests? Those are checks for oral cancer, and, obviously, you want to catch that early and you won’t see the signs at home.

  1. Your oral health can go be drifting.

Early diagnosis is early treatment. For dental issues, this not only can save you thousands of dollars, but it can save your teeth. You may think you’re doing a bang-up job at home, but we may see evidence that says otherwise. We keep a running record of your dental health. Have your gums receded since the last visit? Has that crack in a tooth become worse? We check for everything and keep an eye on any issues.

Professional dental cleanings and dental exams at Dr. Egger’s can seem like an optional task on your to-do list, but in the long run, your teeth will thank you for making those visits mandatory.

Is it time for your next exam? Call us at (989) 773-3560 to schedule your appointment.

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